Liberating Love
The Pulse
Family dynamics, finances and finding harmony with it all

Family dynamics, finances and finding harmony with it all


Hey team,

Though Kat started this episode, don’t forget whose podcast it is. (I joke)

Welcome to a very casual chat while we fold the laundry, on home dynamics within relationship and how we navigate it, particularly around financial contribution.

Obviously it’s a very nuanced and multi layered conversation that we literally barely scratched the surface on, but we’d love to know what it brought up for you in the comments below. If it’s a hot topic, we could absolutely unpack it deeper.


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Liberating Love
The Pulse
The Pulse is a weekly tune in, into relationship with a focus on embodied communication, expanding intimacy and parenthood. Primarily in bite size audio explorations of all sorts of relating topics, and the frequent interview where I unpack and chat to real life couples around the world.