Liberating Love
The Pulse
Ep 01 - Dissolving Defensiveness

Ep 01 - Dissolving Defensiveness

Drop Defensiveness, Invite Intimacy - Communication tools in action

Welcome to episode 01 of the PULSE PODCAST , My newest offering of Liberating Love .

Think short(ish) audios , with me, and the occasional interview with other couples from around the world, unpacking some real talk and grounded honesty when it comes to relationships, communication, intimacy and parenthood.

I’m stoked to be offering this as I know many of you prefer the option to listen and unpack rather than just read, and substack is a great holding place for both written and audio.

Here’s the beginning of the written notes to this audio below.

Episode one & the written version are a similar conversation, linked to each other but are in fact different publications.

The Pulse Podcast allows me the space to riff on the topic and dive down relevant tangents, taking time to unpack things with you. The written version is straight to the point.

PULSE PODCAST is exclusive to my paid community here on substack. If you are a free subscriber you may have “tasters” available such as a 4 minute segment of a 24 minute episode.

You can upgrade your subscription below to paid to be apart of a community of people interested in expanding their relationships into a place of thriving and exploration, have access to all full episodes, my in depth ongoing archive for Liberating Love, as well as bi-monthly live community zoom call & qna session here on substack.


I don’t feel adored.
I don’t feel desired.’

We sat on the rug in front of the fire.
My wife Kat was sharing with me how she’d been feeling lately.


Not unappreciative.

Simply the truth of her feelings.

I felt like I WAS providing and caring for her.

I was:

Working and providing financially.
Cutting down work hours to have our family time
Taking Rafi (my son) more to give her more space
Doing the majority of the domestics so she could feel nourished and have a safe space to relax.

I was taking care of her.
I was providing for her on a number of levels.


There was still more her heart longed for...

Listen above for the full episode, or find the written version in my archives.

Read Liberating Love in the Substack app
Available for iOS and Android

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Liberating Love
The Pulse
The Pulse is a weekly tune in, into relationship with a focus on embodied communication, expanding intimacy and parenthood. Primarily in bite size audio explorations of all sorts of relating topics, and the frequent interview where I unpack and chat to real life couples around the world.